2013 Year End Post (+ a Giveaway!)

Happy New Year guys! Time really flies so fast, right? It feels like it was just yesterday when I posted my recap for year 2012. As promised, my first post every year would be a "looking back" one so here it goes! I have many things to write about but I know they all can wait. :p

If you remember, my January had not been so good---my heart was broken and tears were endlessly shed. It's because my super dog Yuki got confined and after two days in the hospital, she eventually flew to heaven. That time, I couldn't write about anything but her. I cried; still cry even these days. Losing a furry friend is just so hard. Would you believe that I even looked for a support group online? Yeah.

Come February, I witnessed a very sad incident in the hospital. A woman was shot and her kid saw everything. I have always been scared of guns and I don't know why I always see them in my dreams. This month too, I was able to watch the film of one of my favorite zombie book. Read my review of Warm Bodies here. Oh, I almost forgot, I also celebrated my twenty something birthday during this month with my super friends.

In March, I finally bought a new cellphone with my hard-earned money. :p It was my first time to buy something that pricey online and I'm so glad that everything went smooth and well. Read my experience with Kimstore here.

April was so good to me and my blog as I was able to join 7-11's campaign and received 1000php worth of GCs. I also received a mystery box this month that, take note, I didn't order. Read my rant about it here.

In May, I became so busy with work and other stuff so I wasn't able to update this blog. To compensate, I created a blog post that tells what happened during this month. Read my May Wrap Up here.

June had been creepy. Maybe you remember when I posted about our-not-so-nice neighbors. This is why we decided to secure our terrace. With regard to work, I was assigned in a hospital just near our house so it wasn't so stressful. Plus, clients were very minimal. :p

In July, I had health problems. My lymph nodes become swollen for an unknown reason. I also had a fall incident and I thought I'd broken my tailbone so I went to an Ortho for a check up. Good news was, I didn't have a fracture. Bad news was, he suspected I had scoliosis. Everything happens for a reason indeed!

I created a bucket list in August and up to now, I haven't crossed out anything. haha. I was also able to finally verify my GCASH account during this time. I think this was also the time that I went for a check up with my Cardio again. I had been feeling unwell for a few months already and all the while I thought it was normal. haha. I know, I was in denial. :p Turns out, I needed to take meds to slow down my heart. Maybe I'll talk about it some other time.

September? I felt so bored with my job. Don't get me wrong; I am grateful that I have a job but there are times that I just feel so tired of what I do, to the point that I just want to quit and do what I really like. Maybe one day... Then, I had an x-ray during the last few days of this month and found out that I really have mild scoliosis. :'(

In October, I was assigned to other hospitals, had to get acquainted with new people and environment and do what I had to do until the end of the quarter. Then in November, such an unforgettable month, typhoon Santi devastated our province. That was the first time (hopefully the last) I ever experienced such strong typhoon. I thank God that all of my loved ones were safe.

Finally, in December, I was able to renew my PRC license. I also had to choose and risk my job last month. I applied for a job related to nursing. I just tried if I would qualify. I took an exam then got interviewed. I'm still waiting if I'll get in. Whatever happens, I know that it's God's plan for me.

It had been a roller coaster ride and I am so blessed that I got through each phases of my life. I don't know what's waiting for me this 2014 but with God's guidance, I'll be fine. We'll be fine! I will not ask 2014 to be good to me but I promise to be good to it! And to welcome the year, I'll be sharing some of the blessings I received last year through a giveaway. My readers mean a lot to me! Just click the photo below for you to be redirected to the giveaway page:

Again, happy new year to all!

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1 lovely comments Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ:

  1. It's nice to sometimes look back and re-live some of the things that happened in the past. :)
